Oct. 29 - Nov. 19: Self-Psychology Technique
Week 1 - Oct. 29
Wolf, Ernest S. (1988): Treating the Self: Elements of Clinical Self Psychology, Chapter 5 SelfObject Relations Disorders: Disorders of the Self
Wolf, Ernest S. (1988): Treating the Self: Elements of Clinical Self Psychology, Chapter 8 Principles
Goldstein, Eda G. (2001): Object Relations Theory and Self Psychology in Social Work Practice, Chapter 4 Self Psychology: Major Concepts
Week 2 - Nov. 5
Wolf, Ernest S. (1988): Treating the Self: Elements of Clinical Self Psychology, Chapter 9 The Therapeutic Process (Objective 1)
Bromberg, P.M. (1983): The Mirror and the Mask – On Narcissism and Psychoanalytic Growth. Contemporary Psychoanalysis 20:439-4447 (Objectives 2 and 3)
Week 3 - Nov. 12
Wolf, Ernest S. (1988): Treating the Self: Elements of Clinical Self Psychology,
Maroda, Karen (2022): The Analyst’s Vulnerability: Impact on Theory and Practice, Chapter 3 The Analyst’s Narcissistic Vulnerability
Week 4 - Nov. 19
Davies, Jody Messler (2004) Whose Bad Objects Are We Anyway?: Repetitions and Our Elusive Love Affair with Evil, Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 14:711-732 (Objectives 1 and 3)
Dec. 3 - Jan. 7: Please read the entirety of each assigned chapter. Depending on the version of the text your version may or may not show the same pagination.
Dec. 3 Chapters 4 & 5
Tublin, S. (2018). Core competency one: Therapeutic intent. In R. E. Barsness (Ed.), Core competencies of relational psychoanalysis (pp. 67-86). Routledge.
McWilliams, N. (2018). Core competency two: Therapeutic stance/attitude. In R. E. Barsness (Ed.), Core competencies of relational psychoanalysis (pp. 87-103). Routledge.
Dec. 10 Chapters 6 & 7
Pizer, S. (2018). Core competency three: Deep listening/affective attunement. In R. E. Barsness (Ed.), Core competencies of relational psychoanalysis (pp. 104-120). Routledge.
Aron, L. (2018). Core competency four: Relational dynamic: The there and then and the here and now. In R. E. Barsness (Ed.), Core competencies of relational psychoanalysis (pp. 121-141). Routledge.
Dec. 17 Chapters 8 & 9
Knoblauch, S. (2018). Core competency five: Patterning and linking. In R. E. Barsness (Ed.), Core competencies of relational psychoanalysis (pp. 142-157). Routledge.
Maroda, K. J. (2018). Core competency six: Repetition and working through. In R. E. Barsness (Ed.), Core competencies of relational psychoanalysis (pp. 158-178). Routledge.
Jan. 7 Chapters 10 & 11
Barsness, R. E., & Strawn, B. (2018). Core competency seven: Courageous speech/disciplined spontaneity. In R. E. Barsness (Ed.), Core competencies of relational psychoanalysis (pp. 179-200). Routledge.
Shaw, D. (2018). Core competency: Love. In R. E. Barsness (Ed.), Core competencies of relational psychoanalysis (pp. 201-217). Routledge.
Title: Year 3: Relational Psychoanalysis II: Theoretical and Technical Implications of a Changing Paradigm Faculty: Harry Evans, Phd & John Kamphaus, MD
Date/Time: January 14, 2025 - March 18, 2025 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Week 1: Jan. 14 The Relational Unconscious I: Conflict, Negotiation, and Paradox
Pizer, S. (1992) The negotiation of paradox in the analytic process. Psychoanalytic Dialogues. 2(2). Pp.
Week 2: Jan. 21 The Relational Unconscious II: Trauma and Dissociation Part I
Davies, J. M. and Frawley, M. G. (1991) Dissociative processes and transference-countertransference paradigms in the psychoanalytically oriented treatment of adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 2(1) Pp. 5-36.
Week 3 Jan. 28 Trauma and Dissociation: Part II
Bromberg (1996) Standing in the spaces: The multiplicity of self and the psychoanalytic relationship. Contemporary Psychoanalysis, 32, Pp. 509-535.
Part III. The last part of the course will focus on a study of the ways in which ideas about transference and countertransference have shifted within the relational model, with a particular emphasis on the relationship between the analyst’s use of his/her own subjectivity and the facilitation of a self reflective process within the patient.
Week 4: Feb.11 Transference/Countertransference I: Neutrality and Influence
Renik, O. (1993) Analytic interaction: Conceptualizing technique in light of the analyst’s irreducible subjectivity. The Psychoanalytic Quarterly. LXII, Pp. 55-71.
Week 5: Feb. 18 Transference/Countertransference III:The Analyst’s Subjectivity and The Patient’s Self Reflective Processes. Part I
Slochower, J. A. (1996) Holding and Psychoanalysis: A Relational Perspective. Chapter 2. Pp. 13-33.
Week 6: Feb. 25 The Analyst’s Subjectivity and the Self Reflective Process. Part II
Fonagy, P. (2002) Mentalization and Affect Regulation. Chapters 10
Week 7: Mar. 4 Transference/Countertransference: The Erotic
Davies, J. M. (2003) Falling in love with love: Oedipal and Post-Oedipal manifestations of idealization, mourning and erotic masochism. Psa. Dial. 13(1) 1-28.
Week 8: Mar. 18 The Mother as an “Other”
Bollas, C. (1979) The Transformational Object. IJP (60):90-107.
Title: Year 3: Deepening the Treatment Faculty: Scott Hickman, Psy D Date/Time: January 14, 2025 - March 18, 2025 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Class 1: Jan. 14
Gabbard, G., &; Ogden, T. (2009). On becoming a psychoanalyst. The International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 90(2), 311-327.
Freud, S. On beginning the treatment. SE Vol 12, 121-144
Class 2: Jan. 21
Ogden, T. (1992). Comments on transference and countertransference in the initial analytic meeting. The Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 12(2), 225-247.
Ogden, T. (2018). How I talk to my patients, The Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 87(3), 399-413.
Class 3: Jan. 28
Hall, J. (1998). Deepening the Treatment. Jason Aronson. Chs: Intro-2 Rothstein, A. (1998). Psychoanalytic Technique and the Creation of Analytic Patients. Beginning analysis with a reluctant patient (Ch 1)
Class 4: Feb. 11
Hall, J. (1998). Deepening the Treatment. Jason Aronson. Chs: 3-5
Class 5: Feb. 18
Hall, J. (1998). Deepening the Treatment. Jason Aronson. Chs: 6-8
Ehrlich, L. (2020). Analysis begins in the analyst’s mind: Conceptual and technical considerations on recommending analysis. Psychoanalysis From the Inside Out: Developing and Sustaining an Analytic Identity and Practice.
Class 6: Feb. 25
Charles, M. (2020). Borderline: A diagnostic straitjacket? Free Associations, 21(1), 50-65.
Class 7: Mar. 4
Ehrlich, L. (2020). Continuing and deepening an analysis. Psychoanalysis From the Inside Out: Developing and Sustaining an Analytic Identity and Practice.
Ehrlich, L. (2020). Maintaining an analytic mind and the confidence and desire to practice analysis. Psychoanalysis From the Inside Out: Developing and Sustaining an Analytic Identity and Practice.
Ehrlich, L. (2020). It takes three to know one: On receiving and providing consultation. Psychoanalysis From the Inside Out: Developing and Sustaining an Analytic Identity and Practice.
Class 8: Mar. 18
Ogden, T., & Gabbard, G. (2010). The lure of the symptom in psychoanalytic treatment. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 58(3), 533-544.
Ogden, T. (2016). Some thoughts on practicing psychoanalysis. Fort Da, 22(1), 21-36.
Title: Year 3: Psychoanalytic Technique
Psychoanalytic Technique From an Object Relations Perspective Faculty:Judy Kane, MD & Jonna Barta, PhD
Psychoanalytic Technique from an Ego Psychological Perspective Faculty: Jerry M. Lewis, III, MD & Fred Gioia, MD
Date/Time: March 25, 2025 - May 11, 2025 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Mar. 25 - Apr. 15: Psychoanalytic Technique From an Object Relations Perspective: The Perspectives of Melanie Klein, Donald Winnicott, Wilfred Bion and Otto Kernberg
Class 1: Mar. 25
Klein, M. (1961) Thirty-Sixth Session. Narrative of a Child. The Conduct of Psychoanalysis of Children as seen in the Treatment of a Ten Year-Old Boy. 55:171-175
Steiner, J (2017) Melanie Klein's Technique Then and Now. Institute of Psychoanalysis UK Audio Video Project 1:15
Klein,M (1961) Second Session. Narrative of a Child. The Conduct of Psychoanalysis of Children as Seen in the Treatment of a Ten Year-Old Boy. 55:23-27
Klein, M (1961) Ninety-Third Session. Narrative of a Child. The Conduct of Psychoanalysis of Children as Seen in the Treatment of a Ten Year-Old Boy. 55:462-464
Class 2: April 1
Winnicott, D. (1955) Metapsychological and Clinical Aspects of Regression Within the Psycho-Analytic Set-Up. Int J Psychoanal 36:16-26
Winnicott, D. (1949) Hate in the Counter-Transference. Int J Psychoanal 30:69-74
Winnicott, D. (1969) The Use of an Object. Int. J. Psychoanal 50:711-716
Winnicott, D. (1956) On Transference. Int. J. Psychoanal. 37:386-388
Class 3: April 8
Stern (2013) Field Theory in Psychoanalysis Part 2: Bionian Field Theory and Contemporary Interpersonal Relational Psychoanalysis. Psychoanal. Dial. 23: 630-645
Brown, L (2009) Bion's Ego Psychology. Implications for an Intersubjective View of Psychic Structure. Psychoanal. Quarterly 78(1):27-55
Citavarese, G. (2020) Giuseppe Citavarese on "Ceasure" as Bion's Discourse on Method (Int. J. Psychoanal (2008 PEP/UCL Top Authors Video Collection 1:32
Class 4: April 15
Caligor, E., Kernberg, O. and Clarkin, J. (2007) The Handbook of Dynamic Psychotherapy for Higher-Level Personality Pathology. American Psychiatric Publishing. Chapters 2-4 pp 11-84
Kernberg, O. (2003) The Management of Affect Storms in the Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy of Borderline Patients. J Amer. Psychoanal. Assn. 51(2): 517-544
Kernberg, O. (2008) Transference-Focused Psychotherapy: Overview and Update. Int J. Psychoanal. 89(3): 601-620
Apr. 22 - May 13: Psychoanalytic Technique from an Ego Psychological Perspective
Class 5 - Apr. 22:
Busch, Fred (2014): Creating a Psychoanalytic Mind: A psychoanalytic method and theory, Chapters 1,2,3 & 4, pages 1 to 45 (Studocu pages 17 to 69).
Class 6 - Apr. 29:
Busch, Fred (2014): Creating a Psychoanalytic Mind: A psychoanalytic method and theory, Chapters 5,6,7 & 8, pages 46 to 87(Studocu pages 70 to 118).
Class 7 - May 6:
Busch, Fred (2014): Creating a Psychoanalytic Mind: A psychoanalytic method and theory,
Chapters 9,10 & 11, pages 88 to 130 (Studocu pages 119 to 174).
Class 8 - May 13:
Busch, Fred (2014): Creating a Psychoanalytic Mind: A psychoanalytic method and theory,
Chapters 12, 13,14 & 15, pages 131 to 168 (Studocu pages 175 to 222).